Wednesday, March 11, 2015

"Muhammad Ali"

Muhammad is a black muslim.  Muhammad Ali is not 73 years old.  Muhammad Ali is the best boxer of all time he beat Sonny Liston in the championship in the first round and the first minutes.   Muhammad Ali won the Olympics after that Muhammad Ali changed his religion from Christian to Muslim.  Muhammad Ali was diagnosed with "Parkinson" at the age of 42.  Muhammad Ali was hated after changing his religion.  He didn't want to fight in Vietnam because of his religion.  Muhammad Ali was suspended from fighting for 3 years.  Muhammad Ali refused to going the army and was taken to court because of that.  Muhammad Ali said "there is no point on killing people if theres not a reason"

Muhammad Ali is a up stander because he stood up for civil rights.  Some text evidence is "Muhammad got inspired by watching the march".  Muhammad Ali also stood up for his religion.  Muhammad Ali didn't want to fight in Vietnam because of his religion.  People started to hate him because he didn't want to fight in Vietnam.  He said " I don't hate no one.  I aint lynch no one"

1 comment:

  1. Don't end with a quote - this means you didn't explain what it meant.
